24 August 2013

Carl's Cakes is now open!

A new shop is on the server, Carl's Cakes, located South of spawn through the new underwater tunnel. He only sells one thing: cake! The current price for a full cake is 7 gold nuggets; for those of you who may not know, you can get gold nuggets from killing Zombie Pigmen in the Nether or place gold ingots in a crafting table to get nine gold nuggets per gold ingot.

Stop by and visit Carl, where you can pick up a delicious homemade cake! (Please don't eat the display models)

20 August 2013

Server Downtime: August 20-23, 2013

The server will be down from Tuesday, August 20th to Friday, August 23rd while the server host (timmc94) is away for the week; this will be similar to the server downtime last weekend. There is a possibility the server will run in the morning and/or early afternoon on the twentieth, but it is not guaranteed. The server will probably be up on Saturday the 24th, however.

We apologize for the inconvenience that the server downtime may cause, and we encourage you to use the downtime as a chance to use the time you would normally play online to switch things up and perhaps get outside for a bit... just remember to come back after the break!

14 August 2013

Trader Ted 3.0 Update

Trader Ted has reached his third generation! Trader Ted III is the most valuable of them all so far, with a ton of extremely useful trades. These include:

  • 5 Brown Mushrooms + 5 Red Mushrooms = 1 Mooshroom Spawn Egg
  • 1 Stick + 10 Gunpowder = "Knockback Stick" (Knockback X)
  • 1 Ender Pearl + 1 Chest = 1 Ender Chest
  • 64 Rotten Flesh + 64 Rotten Flesh = Diamond Sword (Sharpness I, Knockback I)
  • 1 Sign + 1 String = 1 Name Tag
..and there's more! Check out the new Trader Ted in the same spot he's always been and get some of these great new items.

Your feedback is appreciated! Let timmc94 know what you think of Trader Ted's options and you could influence the next generation of the trading station.

12 August 2013

Plans for the Stronghold

The stronghold has been located! It is now open for all whitelisted server members to explore, so long as you do not mess with the End Portal. It has been thoroughly looted already, but you are welcome to collect any loot you find in chests or cave walls.

Plans are to eventually enter The End and fight the Enderdragon. One or more expeditions to the Nether must be completed first however, (as well as fighting Endermen) to craft Eyes of Ender for the End Portal frame. Please keep in mind that work on the End Portal is to be a planned collaboration, and should not be done apart from the group. Server host timmc94 has plans for the Enderdragon fight and if you interfere you may be banned [temporarily or permanently, at his discretion] from the server.

If you are interested in being a part of the eventual Enderdragon fight, contact timmc94 to let him know you are interested. The fight will happen when the group is ready, even if some people cannot make it. The requirements to fight the dragon are as follows: an enchanted Iron Sword or a Diamond Sword, full Iron or Diamond Armor, and a Bow with a large supply of arrows or an Infinity enchantment. It is recommended that everyone who wishes to participate in the fight enchants all their gear, including armor.

We hope the Enderdragon fight will be an experience to remember, so please feel free to participate if you want to be a part of it! Thanks again to everyone who is helping grow the server.

10 August 2013

All about Trader Ted

In the general spawn area is a small shop made of brick where Trader Ted resides. One of SethBling's MCEdit Filters makes Trader Ted more than the usual NPC Villager as far as trades are concerned (he's also invincible) so be sure to check out what he has to offer at his shop!

Trader Ted also offers two services: Loans and Insurance. Drop a written book in his mailbox to apply for a Loan or to apply for an Insurance plan! Loans are useful when you require resources, and interest rates are low; Insurance can protect you, your pets, your belongings, your home, and/or your property at low cost to you.

For more information about Trader Ted, including his Loan and Insurance services, contact the server's host (timmc94) for details.

05 August 2013

Server Introduction Video

Check out timmc94's YouTube video introducing the server. It's very informal but gives a basic overview of the way it works as of opening day.

04 August 2013

Let's Talk Scoreboards

A cool feature of Minecraft Servers is the ability to implement custom scoreboards. These are useful for keeping score of who has the most kills, who's died the most, or some servers even use them as currency. It is a really awesome feature and I think it could work really well for the server.

What are your opinions? I'm thinking it would be cool to have score counts in the sidebar and death counts next to usernames. That's not official as of the time of this writing, but I'm definitely interested in implementing scoreboards into the server. Of course, I welcome your feedback on this idea!

EDIT: Three scoreboards are now active! Holding down TAB to view the currently logged-on players shows everyone's health -- in half-hearts -- next to their connection strength. Above players' heads, under their usernames, is their total PvE (Player vs. Enemy) kills. In the sidebar on the right of the screen is the total deaths for players on the server whose total deaths are equal to or greater than one.

02 August 2013

Help name the Server!

"timmc94's Minecraft Server" isn't very catchy, nor does it promote the idea of the community that the server hopes to build as it directly references the owner of the server rather than the community itself. If you have any ideas for the name of the server, please feel free to comment here or using the in-game chat. (even if timmc94 is not online, the server keeps a text record of all chat messages and he can find it later) The final decision is still up to the server's owner, but ideas are welcome from the server community!

Internal Server Error Report, August 2

At just after noon on August 2, 2013 the server was launched for the day. Immediately connections were failing, so the server was taken down at 2 pm PDT for maintenance. What was learned during the downtime is the server settings must be updated after every restart of the server computer, which is just another step required to be taken by timmc94 before starting up the server each day. Apologies for the inconvenience, the server is run in a way that is free of monthly costs (by using a private server rather than renting one from a corporation) so there may be some trouble from time to time. Thanks for your patience and please continue to enjoy the server!

Check the new "Server Status" blog page for updates on the status of the server.

Opening Week Server Operation

REMINDER: All times are subject to change without prior notification.
  • Wednesday, 31.Jul: As much time as available. The server is brand new!
  • Thursday, 1.Aug: Server down all day.
  • Friday, 2.Aug: Afternoon and Evening PDT planned.
  • Saturday, 3.Aug: Morning to Evening PDT planned.
  • Sunday, 4. Aug: Afternoon and Evening PDT planned.
As of right now, with the server being so new, a lot of things still need to be figured out. The server may need to go down from time to time with no prior notice, in which case if possible the server will notify those online a few minutes before shutting off.

Early members, thank you for your support! You're very much appreciated!