12 August 2013

Plans for the Stronghold

The stronghold has been located! It is now open for all whitelisted server members to explore, so long as you do not mess with the End Portal. It has been thoroughly looted already, but you are welcome to collect any loot you find in chests or cave walls.

Plans are to eventually enter The End and fight the Enderdragon. One or more expeditions to the Nether must be completed first however, (as well as fighting Endermen) to craft Eyes of Ender for the End Portal frame. Please keep in mind that work on the End Portal is to be a planned collaboration, and should not be done apart from the group. Server host timmc94 has plans for the Enderdragon fight and if you interfere you may be banned [temporarily or permanently, at his discretion] from the server.

If you are interested in being a part of the eventual Enderdragon fight, contact timmc94 to let him know you are interested. The fight will happen when the group is ready, even if some people cannot make it. The requirements to fight the dragon are as follows: an enchanted Iron Sword or a Diamond Sword, full Iron or Diamond Armor, and a Bow with a large supply of arrows or an Infinity enchantment. It is recommended that everyone who wishes to participate in the fight enchants all their gear, including armor.

We hope the Enderdragon fight will be an experience to remember, so please feel free to participate if you want to be a part of it! Thanks again to everyone who is helping grow the server.

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